I can remember being
in the sixth grade sitting on the porch, listening to music on my friends
cassette tape player. In 1980 when cassette tapes where popular, it was
something that I wanted more than anything in the world. I was fascinated by being able to record songs from the radio, and share music with my friends. Popular culture is about change, society is a constantly changing, whether it's with technology, clothing, or music, one thing for certain is, it's going to change in the blink of an eye! A perfect example of change is with the cassette tape, as soon as the compact disc was
developed, the cassette tape was no longer in use, viewed as being of poor sound quality, and difficult to find songs within the playlist. It's funny how when new technology is developed, the past technologies seem not so technologically advanced anymore. The compact disc is already being phased out, by MP3 audio files, and soon MP3 will be phased out by new technology. Over time everything
changes, the popularity of an item changes on a daily basis. I’m a firm believer,
“the only thing that stays the same, is everything changes.” - Tracy Lawrence