Sunday, June 2, 2013

The impact of YouTube on popular culture


Written Analyses
The impact of YouTube on popular culture
            The impact YouTube has made on popular culture around the world is astounding, what was once just stories you shared with your friends, are now recorded and shared with everyone across the internet.  The popular belief behind YouTube is that everyone can have their 5 minutes of fame, whether it is recording a birthday party, wedding, or a crazy stunt, everyone can be a star on the internet. There have been many stories of overnight stardom from downloading just one video, for example Justin Beiber was discovered by music producer Scooter Braun on YouTube, and since then has sold 32 million albums (
            YouTube has created a myth for instant stardom; influencing our youth today to believe that anyone can achieve goals, like overnight sensation Justin Beiber. There are many talented people on the internet that never get discovered, whether it is just being overlooked, or not tagging their video the right way to be noticed. YouTube has also landed people in prison, the most recent popularity in videos, is recording violence, from assaults, bullying, and most recently rape by teenage boys. People will upload any type of video, not thinking it could someday be used against them in court.
            Since the development of YouTube in 2005, many people have viewed it as an icon, from setting the standard to home video uploads, to worldwide viral downloads. The impact of YouTube has been amazing for people across the globe, from self-help videos, weight loss stories, to educational videos; there is something for everyone to view (

Bullas, J. (2012). 35 Mind Numbing YouTube Facts, Figures and Statistics – Infographic. Retrieved from:
RIAA, Billboard. (2012). Justin Bieber Statistics. Retreived from:

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